Who: Parents and Guardians With Sons Enrolling in Kindergarten in 2026–2027 and Beyond
What: Cathedral School for Boys Kindergarten Preview — Families looking to enroll their son(s) in kindergarten in the 2026–2027 school year or beyond are invited to visit our campus on May 21, learn all about our academic program, and discover what sets Cathedral School for Boys apart in the Bay Area.
We understand boys. We know that there are many ways to be a boy, and we approach each boy individually. We appreciate that each boy learns differently and at his own pace.
Cathedral School for Boys has deliberately remained a small school. With the intimacy of a small school of 264 boys, we are able to know each boy well.
Everyone wears the same clothing, not out of nostalgia but out of the belief that our dress code demonstrates a sense of purpose and diminishes displays of socio-economic status that run counter to our philosophy.
The Episcopal approach provides experiences that offer students an understanding of religion and faith, in addition to a lens through which to view the world.
Located in San Francisco, California, Cathedral School for Boys is an independent elementary school for boys in Kindergarten – Grade 8. Our mission is to provide an excellent education through intellectual inquiry and rigor that is centered in the Episcopal tradition and is respectful of and welcoming to people of all religious traditions and beliefs.